A New Day

Since my last entry I had many time consuming events in my life. I have performed with the Charleston Symphony Orchestra Chorus, Hosted a New Year’s Ball with the Summerville Community Orchestra, and spent almost a month sick with the flue.

Still spending eight hours a day at work, I have made very small steps in my children’s book. There was very little writing involved and a lot of research. The more I found out the more I realized that I need to find out more. So now I am deep into the study of Jewish Fairy Tales. It is an extensive and fascinating legacy and I am fascinated by it.

Today I find myself a statistic, among the legions of unemployed people laid off, but unlike many I am actually glad. I am glad not to wake up at 5:.30 am; glad not to waist my brain power on mindless repetitive tasks; glad not to be limited in the use of internet; glad not to be timed and measured against the standards that make very little sense and so on. I have worked in government administration, but my work had so many aspects of an assembly line, that I think many of the factory workers currently laid off, will understand me.

Some very good friends have ended up victims to Reduction in Force together with me. I am sure they are all wondering what it was they were picked for. The list of candidates makes very little sense other, then counting out to ten standing in a line. Young and old; black and white; experienced and new; excellent and mediocre – workers of all shapes and sizes were pulled with only one intent. – Save the most money. The formula has nothing to do with who you are.

The following poem was written to one very special individual, but I think it applies to all of us today:

Children of the lesser God
Hear the hearts of those near.
Blind musicians have insight
Into souls of those they hear.

Dancers with a missing limb
Choreograph for us true passion,
And fill life’s cup to the brim
Those, whose luck is poorly rationed.

Don’t look at this sat back
As the fate of those less able,
Look at it, as call to act
For special few at the best table.

So, for those who are still working and those that lost their jobs, I advise to look at this situation as the new opportunity. Personally, I hope to spend my day divided between my research in children’s and Jewish Literature and the learning of a new skill needed for my future employment. I hope to make it possible for me to earn money from home, so that I can work on my writing as well.
